Wednesday, May 20, 2015

MCGM Junior Engineer 2015 - Aptitude Test Model Paper 1

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Q 1-2 Statements: All gliders are parachutes.
                                   No parachute is an airplane.
                                   All airplanes are helicopters.

1.    Conclusions:
I. No helicopter is a glider.
II. All parachutes being helicopters is a possibility

2.    Conclusions:
I. No glider is an airplane.
II. All gliders being helicopters is a possibility.

Directions (3 - 8): Each of these questions are based on the information given below:

In a seven storey building, having floors numbered one to seven, A, B, C, D, E and F each live on a different floor. (The ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it 2 and so on). One of the floors in the building is vacant. A lives on the fifth floor. No floor below fifth floor is vacant; also no odd numbered floor is vacant. Only D lives between F and E. F does not live on an odd numbered floor. E does not live on a floor immediately above or immediately below C's floor. B does not live on the bottom-most floor.

3. On which of the following floors does C live?
(1) Seventh
(2) Sixth
(3) Third
(4) Second
(5) First

4. Which of the following floors is vacant?
(1) Seventh
(2) Sixth
(3) Third
(4) Second
(5) Fourth

5. Who lives on the topmost floor?
(1) B
(2) D
(3) C
(4) V
(5) No one as it is vacant

6. Who lives immediately below vacant floors?
(2) B
(3) D
(4) G
(5) E

7. Who lives between third and fifth floor?
(2) G
(3) C
(4) D
(5) E
8. In a certain Code,
                      '4 6 1' means 'where are you', 
                      '1 6 9' means 'you are good' and 
                      '8 6 5 2' means 'flowers are not bad'.
then What would be the code for 'where not are good flowers' ?
(1) 68954
(2) 46598
(3) 45698
(4) 46589
(5) None of these

Directions (9-10 ) : Study the following information to answer the given questions :

In a certain code 
'ge ji zo' means `had horrible dream', 
'lit zo pit' means 'realise your dream' and 
'ge ze pat ze' means 'very very horrible experience'.

9. Which of the following is the code of 'your' ?
(1) lit
(2) zo
(3) pit
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these

10. ze pit lit' may represent —
(1) very horrible you realise
(2) you had realise your
(3) had realise your very
(4) your very realise dream
(5) None of these

Directions (11-12): Each of the questions below has a few statements, followed by three conclusions numbered I, II, III. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the conclusions can be logically derived.
11.       Statement: 
P >  Q
R < Q 
S > P
P < M
I. M > S
II. R < M
III. Q = S
1. Only I is true                         
2. Only II is true
3. Only III is true.                     
4. Only I & III is true
5. All are true

12.       Statement : 
A < B
C > N
O = B
N > A
I. B > C
II. B < C
III. C > O
1. Only III & Either I or II is true
2. Only II & III is true
3. Only Either I or II is true
4. All I, II & III are true.
5. None of these

Directions (13-15) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below—-—
The centre reportedly wants to continue providing subsidy to consumers for cooking gas and kerosene for five more years. This is not good news from the point of view of reining in the fiscal deficit. Mounting subventions for subsidies means diversion of savings by the government from investment to consumption, raising the cost of capital in the process. 
The government must cut expenditure on subsidies to create more fiscal space for investments in both physical and social infrastructure. It should outline a plan for comprehensive reform in major subsidies including petroleum, food and fertilizers and set goals.

13. Which of the following is a conclusion which can be drawn from the facts stated in the above paragraph?
(1) Subsidy provided by the government under various heads to the citizen increases the cost of capital
(2) Govt. is unable to withdraw subsidies provided to various items
(3) Govt. subsidy on kerosene is purely a political decision
(4) Govt. does not have enough resources to continue providing subsidy on petroleum products
(5) None of these

14. Which of the following is an assumption which is implicit in the facts stated in the above paragraph? .
(1) People in India may not be able to pay more for petroleum products
(2) Many people in India are rich enough to buy petroleum products at market cost
(3) Govt. may not be able to create more infrastructural facilities if present level of subsidy continues for a longer time
(4) Govt. of India has sought assistance from international financial organizations for its infrastructural projects
(5) None of these

15. Which of the following is an inference which can be made from the facts stated in the above paragraph ?
(1) India’s fiscal deficit is negligible in comparison to other emerging economies in the world
(2) Subsidy on food and fertilizers are essential for growth of Indian economy
(3) Reform in financial sector will weaken India’s position in the international arena
(4) Gradual withdrawal of subsidy is essential for effectively managing fiscal deficit in India
(5) None of these

16. A man starts from his home, walks 4 km towards North, takes a left turn and walks for 10 km. He then takes a left turn and walks for 15 km before taking a left turn again and walking for 10 km. The man finally takes a left turn and walks 2 km before stopping. How far and towards which direction the man should walk to reach the home again?
(1)  6 km toward North 
(2)  14 km towards East
(3)  12km towards South 
(4)  12 km towards West
(5)  9 km towards North

Directions (17-19): A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: 11 day 34 night 93 pace 27 easy 44 joy
Step I: 93 11 day 34 night pace 27 easy 44 joy
Step II: 93 11 34 night pace 27 easy 44 joy day
Step III: 93 44 11 34 night pace 27 easy joy day
Step IV: 93 44 11 34 night pace 27 joy day easy
Step V: 93 44 34 11 night pace 27 joy day easy
Step VI: 93 44 34 11 night pace 27 day easy joy
Step VII: 93 44 34 27 11 night pace day easy joy
Step VIII: 93 44 34 27 11 pace day easy joy night
Step IX: 93 44 34 27 11 day easy joy night pace
Step IX is the last step of the above input

As per rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Input: class 25 war 15 race 73 heap 58 just 88 take 38 

17. What is the position of ‘war’ in Step VII?
(1) Seventh from the left end
(2) Eighth from the right end
(3) Fifth from the left end
(4) Fifth from the right end
(5) Sixth from the left end

18. Which of the following is the ninth from the right in Step VI?
(1) race
(2) 25
(3) war
(4) 58
(5) 15

19. What is the position of ‘15’ in step ‘IX’?
(1) Seventh from the left end
(2) Eighth from the left end
(3) Fifth from the right end
(4) Seventh from the right end
(5) Eighth from the right end

20.Pointing to a girl in photograph. Amar said, "Her mother's brother is the only son of my mothers's father." How the girl's mother related to Amar 

1. Mother

2. Sister

3. Aunt

4. Grandmother

5. None of these

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