Friday, May 22, 2015

General Knowledge Set 2

CRR Rate - 4%.

Beijing is capital of - China.

Baghdad is the capital of which country - Iraq.

Shashikant Sharma is - Former GAG of India

LBW is used in which sport - Cricket

Kohima is the capital of - Nagaland.

Doppler radar was used by - Indian metrological department

Full form of RIDF - Rural infrastructure development fund.

Which country will help india for making smart city - Japan

Jim yong Kim is related to - World bank.

Jeev Milkha Singh is related to - Golf

Full form of CAG - Comptroller audit genral.

Which country top in the FDI 2014 - Singapore.

SEBI Functions -

BCCI recommend which player for padam award - M. S. Dhoni (Padma bhusan), kohli - Padma Sree.

B S .ayyeger was awaded by GOI by which award - Padam vibhusan

Rani sarnobat belongs to which game - Shooting.

Sukhen dey related to - Weight lifting

Fedrer is related to which game - Tennis

Tintu luka related to which game - Atheletics.

Wimbeldon cup is related to which game - Tennis

Navaritolva is related to which sport - Tennis

Maria sharapova related to-Tennis.

Sports university will be opened in ____ state - Manipur.

Total number of major ports - 12.

Bhamashah yojna is - Bhamashah Financial Empowerment Scheme

Article 370 related to - Jammu & Kashmir

Swasth bharat abhiyaaan mission will be completed till which year - 2019.

Which country has maximum children dropped after the primary school - India

Best MP award for best performance in 2010 - Arun Jaitely

One question on Beti Bachao yojna -

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