Friday, June 12, 2015

Syllabus For Civil Engineering for MCGM Junior Engineer Exam 2015

Questions in the Technical Knowledge test may be based on the given areas for Civil Engineering

- Surveying & Transportation : Classification of surveys, scales accuracy; Measurement of distances - direct & indirect methods; optical & electronic devices, measuremenet of directions, contours, computation of co-ordinates. Concept of global positioning system; Map preparation by plane tabling & by photogrammetry; Remote sensing concepts, map studies.
- Highways: Planning of Highway systems, alignment & geometric design, horizontal & verticle curves, grade separation; Materials & construction methods for different surfaces & maintenance; Pricipals of pavement design.
- Traffic surveys: Intersections signalling; Mass transit systems, accessibility, networking.

- Building Construction : Building material: Timber, Bricks, Cement, Cement mortar, Cement concrete. Testing of material & codal provisions.
- Construction & Eartwork Equipments: Weigh batcher, mixer, vibrator, batching plant concrete pumps, conveyors, cranes, hoists, lifting equipments. Power shovel, hoe, dozer, dumper, trailors & tractor, types of rollers, pumps.

- Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering : Properties of soils, classification & interrelationship; compaction behaviour, methods of compaction & their chice. Permeability & seepage, flownets, inverted filters; Compressibility & consolidation; Shearing resistance, stresses & failure. Soil testing in laboratory & in-situ; Stress path & applications. Earth pressure theories, stress distribution in soil exploration, samplers load tests, penetration tests.
- Types of foundations; selection criteria, bearing capacity, settlement, laboratory & field tests. Types of piles & their design and layout. Foundations on expansive soils, swelling & its prevention, foundation on swelling soils.”

- Structural Mechanics : Solid Mechanics: Elastic constants, stress, plane stress, Mohr’s circle of stress, strains, plain strain, Mohr’s circle of strain, combined stress; Elastic theories of failure; Simple bending, shear; Torsion of circular & rectangular sections. - Structural Analysis: Analysis of determinate structure - different methods including graphical methods; Anaysis of indeterminate skeletal frames - moment distribution, slope-deflection, stiffness & force methods, energy methods. - Design of Steel Structures: Principal of working stress method. Design of connections, simple members, built-up sections & frames. Design of Industrial roofs. Principles of ultimate load design. Design of simple members & frames.” 3

- Fluid Mechanics & Hydrology : Fluid properties, Pressure, Thrust, Buoyancy, Viscosity; Bernoulli’s theorem; Hydraulic jump, non-uniform flow, Reynold’s number, hydraulic gradient, Hazen-Willium formula, pipes in series & parallel, siphones, water hammer. Various types of water meters. - Hydrological cycle, precipitation & related data analysis, PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation), unit & synthetic hydrographs; Evaporation & Transpiration; Floods and their management, PMF; Streams & their guaging; River morphology; Routing of floods.

- Public Health Engineering : Water Supply Engineering: Sources of supply, yields, design of intakes & conductors; Estimation of demand; Water quality standards; Control of water-borne diseases; Primary & secondary tratment, detailing & maintenance of treatment units; Coveyance & distribution systems of treated water, leakages & control. - Waste Water Engineering: Urban rain water disposal; System of sewage collection& disposal; Design of sewers & sewerage systems, pumping; Characteristics of Sewage & its treatment, disposal of sewage treatment products; Institutional & industrial sewage management. - Solid Waste Management: Sources, classification, collection & disposal; Design & management of landfills.

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